Rua Silvio Burigo, 2181, Bairro: Monte Castelo - Tubarão/SC

Best Practices for Running a Successful Board Meeting

A successful board meeting requires a mix of planning preparation, preparation, and execution. Board meetings can consume a lot of time, but they are vital to the growth of a business. To maximize the interaction between board members businesses should adopt best practices that allow for efficient decision-making.

Start and end at the same time

It’s not a secret that many board meetings start late and last longer than they should. It is crucial that meetings begin on time and end promptly to reduce the amount of fatigue from meetings.

Set the agenda for the meeting.

It is not uncommon to get sidetracked in board meetings with new discussion topics that can take up precious meeting time. To avoid this, prioritize two major issues that must be discussed and limit the discussion to 30 minutes per. This will help keep the meeting focused and productive on the most important issues.

Provide Directors With the Board Pack in Advance

If the board agenda is provided and materials for the meeting in advance, members can prepare themselves and arrive on time at the meeting.

Evaluate Your Meetings

Give each board member sticky note at the conclusion of each meeting. Ask them to write “+” to indicate that something is functioning well and “-” if there are improvements needed. This provides leadership with candid feedback, which will result in better meetings for the board in the future.

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