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What is SDLC? Software Development Lifecycle Explained

Furthermore, developers will often create a software requirement specification or SRS document. © All Rights Reserved All ISO publications and materials are protected by copyright and are subject to the user’s acceptance of ISO’s conditions of copyright. Baselines[clarification needed] are established after four of the five phases of the SDLC, and are critical to the iterative nature of the model.[21] Baselines become milestones. At this step, desired features and operations are detailed, including screen layouts, business rules, process diagrams, pseudocode, and other deliverables. The seventh phases of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is often ignored or missed. This phase consists of maintenance and performing regular necessary updates.

The software development lifecycle (SDLC) outlines several tasks required to build a software application. The development process goes through several stages as developers add new features and fix bugs in the software. The interdisciplinary tasks that are required throughout a system’s life cycle to transform stakeholder needs, requirements, and constraints into a system solution are defined.

Management Skills

In agile development, the practice is to have the customer representative integrated into the development team. Program managementProgram management employs phases, milestonesmilestones, and decision gatesdecision gates which are used to assess the evolution of a system through its various stages. The stages contain the activities performed to achieve goals and serve to control and manage the sequence of stages and the transitions between each stage. For each project, it is essential to define and publish the terms and related definitions used on respective projects to minimize confusion.

system life cycle processes

Learn how embracing the benefits of single delivery platform will help protect your business. SDLCs can also be more specifically used by systems analysts as they develop and later implement a new information system. An SDLC’s system analyst is, in some ways, an overseer for the entire system.

Benefits of the Systems Development Life Cycle

Aligning the development team and the security team is a best practice that ensures security measures are built into the various phases of the system development life cycle. In addition, governance and regulations have found their way into technology, and stringent requirements for data integrity impact the team developing technology systems. Regulations impact organizations differently, but the most common are Sarbanes-Oxley, COBIT, and HIPAA.

The iterative process suggests that teams begin software development with a small subset of requirements. Then, they iteratively enhance versions system life cycle processes over time until the complete software is ready for production. The team produces a new software version at the end of each iteration.


This standard is intended to guide the development of systems for commercial, government, military, and space applications. The information applies to a project within an enterprise that is responsible for developing a product design and establishing the life cycle infrastructure needed to provide for life cycle sustainment. Additional information on each of these stages can be found in the sections below (see links to additional Part 3 articles above for further detail). It is important to note that these life cycle stages, and the activities in each stage, are supported by a set of systems engineering management processes. Those involved in the SDLC include the c-suite executives, but it is the project/program managers, software and systems engineers, users, and the development team who handle the multi-layered process.

system life cycle processes

The correct use of the System Development Life Cycle has a large number of benefits. The implementation of a lifecycle for a system opens up a lot of possibilities, including the ability to plan and organise structured phases and smart goals beforehand. The development phase marks the end of the first stage of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

Object-oriented analysis and design

Every phase can be supplemented by various tools to support the phase’s main goal. Besides SDLC, there is another concept that is a cornerstone for the entire lifecycle of product and system planning. Systems Analysis & Design (SAD) is a process during which specific information systems are developed that effectively support hardware, software, or people. Some methodologies offer specific outlines to go through this process to prevent costly mistakes or to speed up development. However, all methods are aimed at moving systems through the various relevant phases.

  • Each system goes through a development life cycle from initial planning through to disposition.
  • Each company will have their own defined best practices for the various stages of development.
  • This is also the phase where essential components of the system (hardware, software) and structure are considered.
  • In essence, the Review phase is the quality assurance mechanism within the process modeling lifecycle.
  • A significant aspect of product life cycle management is the provisioning of supporting systems which are vital in sustaining operation of the product.
  • Ideally, testing should happen at every stage of the SDLC to address issues early when they are fastest and most cost effective to fix.

ALM includes the entire lifecycle of the application and continues beyond SDLC. The design stage takes as its input the requirements already defined. An output artifact does not need to be completely defined to serve as input of object-oriented design; analysis and design may occur in parallel. In practice the results of one activity can feed the other in an iterative process.

System Development Life Cycle Phases (SDLC)

Many of these vendors also have a strong focus on identifying and de-bugging systems that may support the process of testing in software development life cycles. In many cases, SDLC teams utilize a variety of software solutions to support the varying stages. For example, requirements may be gathered, tracked and managed in one solution while testing use cases may take place in a completely different solution.

Based on the taxonomies, different approaches to the engineering of systems of systems are possible, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of systems of systems engineering. This article specifically focuses on the Vee Model as the primary example of pre-specified and sequential processes. In this discussion, it is important to note that the Vee model, and variations of the Vee model, all address the same basic set of systems engineering (SE) activities.


SAD is mostly used to find a balance between requirements at a higher level. Regardless if the team works with a document of functional requirements or a handwritten list, everyone must be able to understand each proposal, and each comment, to be involved. Additionally, this framework ensures that the system is developed within the given time constraints and budget. Thanks to SDLC, the new system is implemented flawlessly in the current and future IT-infrastructure of a given company. A system is, at the very least, a component, and possibly a combination of various components of information technology. Systems Development Life Cycle is a systematic approach which explicitly breaks down the work into phases that are required to implement either new or modified Information System.

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